tony: ok rapid fire questions that can stay off the record if you want
sally: sure
tony: keep the answers short though, you can expound later if you want
sally: ok
tony: childhood: good or bad?
sally: bad
tony: ever touched by a family member inappropriately?
sally: nope
tony: stranger?
sally: nope
tony: how tall are you?
sally: 6'
tony: how much do you weigh?
sally: 97
tony: puke today?
sally: technically 1am
tony: what do you wanna be when you grow up?
sally: perfect
tony: have you ever been perfect?
sally: yes
tony: what was your favorite age?
sally: now
tony: have you been perfect this year?
sally: nope
tony: what age were you perfect?
sally: ha ha... just say 'how old are you?'
tony: you said you werent perfect this year
tony: so its a different question
sally: yeah... i'm thinking around early 20s
tony: is meat murder?
sally: not if you're trying to get better
sally: yes and no

tony: if food didnt effect your weight would you like it more?
sally: no
tony: vegan?
sally: in the past
tony: whats your favorite food?
sally: ice cubes in a cup
tony: do you drink more water or soda?
sally: water
sally: soda=bad

tony: beer?
sally: never
tony: wine?
sally: nope
tony: weed?
sally: nope
tony: cocaine?
sally: got any?
sally: no
tony: x?
sally: no
tony: when was the last time you had sex?
sally: yesterday
tony: boyfriend?
sally: i wouldn't call him that
tony: bed buddy?
sally: yeah
tony: who has control in the relationship?
sally: oh it's all me
tony: is he good looking?
sally: understatement
tony: model?
sally: yes
tony: what does he see in you?
sally: that i can generate anything he needs from other people in a relatively short amount of time
tony: does he love you?
sally: unfortunately
tony: do you love him?
sally: yes
tony: when was the last time you were in love?
sally: um
