what do you do for a living? raymi says: nothing in here is true right? tony says: right: raymi says: i model for an adult website, though i use towork in a hardware store raymi says: and i do the occasional freelance article tony says: wow, see, i cant even type raymi says: me neither, today i'm retarded all over the place raymi says: ok u know what, fuck it. lets pretend to talk about my "job" tony says: yay! raymi says: i dont care. i can just say it's a lie if my mum finds out tony says: i love that canadians say mum tony says: would she totally freak if she believed this? raymi says: yes raymi says: my dad too, i'd be so disowned raymi says: and my brother would flip raymi says: it would hurt a lot of people tony says: i dont want to do that to you raymi says: thanks tony says: were're just play acting anyway . tony says: to get hits raymi says: exactly

tony says: i love the humor on your page raymi says: i love yours too. im so glad i found you tony says: and shit for 19 youre way ahead of the game tony says: yay! raymi says: yay for us tony says: ok, how were your grades in high school? raymi says: quite good. i was the brain-child. valedictorian of grade school raymi says: then come high school they dipped a bit but still, they were up there. i never studied and rarely did homework. raymi says: one of those, smart kids whom if they applied themself a bit more would be like, bill gates raymi says:i hated school raymi says: and i hated people my age raymi says: that and i was always hungover, so waking up early to go "learn" appealed to me in the least tony says: what age people did you like? raymi says: i was 16 and hanging with 30 yr olds, pretending i was a yuppie and going with them to their martini bars, smokin' cars.

raymi says: i was living a double-life. no one knew raymi says: i'd say i was at the mall or at a movie or something. raymi says: most of the people i was hanging with knew my age, but didn't care. they were pretty fascinated. it's only the women who had a problem with it. they saw me as competition. so i'd lie and say i was 25 and a legal secretary raymi says: but still i was given plenty of attitude

tony says: are you still living a double life with this made up fake, totally fictional undercover job of yours? raymi says: i am pretty open with it to my friends and people i meet. i dont care. i don't think it defines me as a person, really. it's just a job. i keep it from my family and other people from my old town so they dont blab raymi says: it's definitely a conversation starter. people's jaws just DROP. kuz i look pretty regular, you know. not sleazy or trashy, whatever raymi says: i think i get off on the attention too raymi says: that's for sure tony says: that's true, i wouldnt have ever thought that you do that. tony says: i love people who love attention tony says:are you friends with a lot of the other girls raymi says: kinda raymi says: well yeh, they all have secret lives too

tony says: is it safe to say that they're all sorta exhibitionists too? raymi says: other jobs raymi says: i think so. some wear wigs, they dont want to be recognized raymi says: some are pretty lazy though and dont do much, or bring in much money raymi says: some go all out with the kinky outfits. raymi says: me, i've been there for maybe 2.5 months and i've broken all sales records raymi says: one nite i convinced this dude to spend 2 grand. tony says: do tell raymi says: i'm pretty lazy too, though i'm getting into buying tons of sexy outfits. raymi says: my thing is, manipulation. raymi says: u find the weak ones, the ones who want to talk, to make friends raymi says: i feel kinda bad though, kuz a few of them are very nice and lonely and i've actually become friends with them and i do feel bad taking their money but, u know, this is what they want to do - how they want to spend their time raymi says: i've gotten a sugar daddy out of this too raymi says: ok, enough bragging tony says: i dont see it as bragging tony says: its just the scoreboard

tony says: now obviously, these guys want to meet you in real life? raymi says: uhhh, they probably fantasize about it but have never really mentioned it i think they're afraid. the whole thing is they get to hide from me, online and it's just me who's exposed tony says: i see, so they feel safe to tell you any dirty truth about themselves? raymi says: fuck yah raymi says: i have tons of stories raymi says: they see us as their family they can also call in to the office and talk to the monitors, which they do quite often a few of them are on disability for either mental retardation or physical afflictions