ran into pat at a fish fry mr. os was working on. damn good fish from canada nearly alaska. strangely pat was drinking and mumbling and stuttering cuz his brain goes fast and he was telling me about this thing or that thing i dont know i was drinking too, hell im still drinking and let me tell you something about mr pat whalen, the daily nexus was the promise land of great writers and pat was the best of us all and the reason i joined up.
and he has a son named donnovan and
a brother named tsar and he had some great shoes
and crazy pants and an american flag tshirt on
cuz he's givin back to the hood he grew up in.
and i asked him if he ever wanted to move back to the usa and he said
that he would like to live in both places and i said yeah man
and he said, why not.
and i was all, yeah why not.
and then he told me that the guy who fired and banned me
from the nexus reads my blog every day and i laughed
but i laugh at nearly everything these days.
