jeanine was the first girlfriend that i ever lived with. we moved in together about two months after we fell in love and our first place was a summer sublet that we took with nexus staff photographer matty t. in a way we were seeing if it would work out, but come on, when youre first in love of course it will work out. funny thing about that place was on the day that we were moving out we were getting a little frisky and near the end of it we heard a knock on the door. it was the cops! turns out a peeping tom was checking out the magic that we were making and a courteous neighbor called the Foot Patrol. freaky. the next place we lived was at 6509 madrid #b and i tell you the address because it was the smallest one bedroom apartment you have ever seen. it was almost a joke. but again, when youre young and in love, it doesnt matter. in that tiny apartment we celebrated birthdays and christmas and true love. i had graduated college and was selling tv's at sears and i bought myself a drum set and i bought jeanine an electric guitar. all was good in the hood. so the next year we moved into greg vaine's former domicile apt. d - the corner apartment that had much more room and even better vibes. that apartment had held countless hootenannys and it was the place where not only where MC Brown and DJ Peace met Chancellor Uehling, but it was more significantly the place where the Nexus met The Wonderfuls. why is that important? come on, man, basically it meant that Jeff Whalen, Matt Welch and Jeff Solomon met Greg McIlvaine, Steve Coulter and Dan Kern: which is how you get Tsar. the year that we lived in apt. D, i got hired by Philips Electronics, I bought my first new car, and jeanine not only had her most successful year in college but also discovered that she could actually make good money giving guitar lessons and keyboard lessons out of our casa. i barbequed lots, we totally got along with our neighbors in the apartment complex. and even at the end of the year when jeanine decided to move on to more exciting men and more exotic locales, we threw the best break-up party i ever saw: four bands, kegs, food, friends. does all of this seem ideal - too ideal to be true? too bad. it was. we rarely faught and when we did we did it nude and only once did i take a golf club to our wooden box that we called a coffee table and the head of the club snapped off before i could do any real damage - like hurt my beloved television. what was our fight about? she had stayed out till 3am with a "friend". since then i have sworn never to be jealous and i have lived up to that simple promise. ask anyone. and look at my golf bag - everything is in tact. thanks bay bay.