my buddy ken showed up. he works at a place where a bunch of my former coworkers work now. my old job was intereting because i had the rare opportunity of hiring my own boss. so i hired someone who was smarter than me, younger than me, and who had gone to ucsb. she, in turn, let me continue to grow in what i was doing, which was hiring people. well now she works with ken again and i would like to work there too except i would like to hire again but theyre chock full of people doing that, so i dont know what i would do, so i guess im stuck saving lives for the xbi. too bad companies dont have people they hire to write their blogs. cuz if they did, then i might have a pretty nice job. i could sit around all day, or go to parties, and bring this swanky new camera and just live the good life like i was meant to live. and i wouldnt have to toil the earth any more, and all of my hair would grow back and the cubs would win the world series and all the children of the world would hold hands and sing happy little love songs of peace and salvation.
just like i see all rich people with perfect jobs doing.
kens got a twin.









sherman oaks