+ adrants meets madpony

adrants: So your sister, Lauren…she seems to have disappeared.
Where is she? Did she Die?
Was she abducted by Tony and put into some clandestine xbi program?

MADPONYdotcom: lauren is back at home, doing the high school thing,
having lots of fun.
she's the editor of the school newspaper,
and i think most of her creative writing energies have been focused on that lately.
but no, contrary to popular belief, lauren is still alive and well.

adrants: Glad to hear it.
Sticking with Lauren, she once blogged that her butt is too big.
While I completely disagree, what's your worst feature? Your best?

MADPONYdotcom: on a bad day, i'd tell you that everything is wrong with my body.
but honestly, i don't have a huge problem with anything.
i am a big fan of my hair these days, i have bangs and i am in love with them.
as for lauren's butt, she's being modest. it's awesome.