tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Wednesday, March 13, 2002  
careful with that cake, Eugene my ears have finally popped from attending a party hosted at home of one of the finest law professors in all of Los Angeles who lives in a gorgeous home so high in the Hollywood Hills that the stars begin to look like planets.

Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit, the incredibly friendly and smart and warm-natured law professor from Tennessee was in town to lecture the drunkards at UCLA, and several LA Bloggers were invited to Mr. Volokh's casa high above the Sunset Strip to hang with him.

May I say that I am so happy to be invited to such bashes. Not only are these people devistatingly smart, but they're funny as hell and their interests stretch far beyond the silly politics that they write about every day, several times a day.

Conversations I was privvy to: Saudi Arabia vs. Brunei: Friends or Enemies?, Filesharing-- is it Theft?, Should Scientology Receive Tax-Exempt Status?, If a Man conducts Beastiality from a Male Animal, is it Gay?, Should You Date People Who Read Your Blog? Can A Guy Get Fired For Legal Things He Does Outside of Work: Like What He Writes On A Blog?, Tractor Punk and Nebraska: Is it The Next Grunge and Seattle?

Okay, those are the ones that I was involved in, I'm sure once I left the circle, everyone laughed and went back to talking about Candy Rice and her chance to be the first female vice president and other smart stuff way over my 'fro.

It was a delightful event where at first everyone gathered in the kitchen and got an eyeful of the guest of honor, and then split up into little circles of gab. im not sure how many people knew each other, but since everyone had read each other, it was almost like a meeting of old lost pals, i felt as if i had met brethren from my old hometown, the one i cant remember the name of, kindred spirits everywhere, free-flowing thoughts, funny antedotes, polite disagreements, and merryment.

My recollections are blurry because the booze flowed and the host made pizza and cookies and Laura and I ate chips and Guacamole and talked about how horrible the food in Spain was and I thought about opening a chain of Taquerias in Spain, to give back, and Emmannuelle and I discussed porn and I got to meet the totally talented and courageous Charles Johnson, and I even got a lift to the party from UPI's TV critic Catherine Seipp who had a lovely conversation with Welch on our ride about the trials of freelancing in LA.

Did I tell you I had fun?

I did.

I don't go out that much, and in reality I'm terribly shy, especially around fascinating strangers. But everyone was just so nice that after a few drinks I was back in my normal obnoxiously ignorant self, defending, of all things, the fact that I didnt vote in the recent elections.

My reasoning made the drunks around me laugh, so I went home happy.

I hope theres another Blog party soon, and I'm sure I'm not the only one with that wish.

Speaking of wishes: TF flowed me a buck to help out on my wish for the Snoop DeVille, gracias, good fella!

Previously on busblog...