tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Thursday, April 25, 2002  
im no fan of politics, i realize it's a dance, a game, a form of poetry, etc., but ultimately it seems to me that it's way more about rich people staying rich or getting richer at the expense of the poor and the enviornment, but i guess that's why they call me a liberal.

regardless, i like this picture because i've been emailing Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah for years to have him take a nice, kind picture and the other day he emailed me back saying that he was enjoying his visit to America and wondered if this photo was up to my standards.

yes, my friend, it is.

and i read Layne and Welch and Little Green Footballs all the time, and I know that the Prince isnt the most respected and loved by lots of those in the know, and I know that most of the Sept. 11 hijackers are Saudi, but i still like this picture. to me pictures say a million words.

if i were ever to start another website i would call it Rock Illustrated, and to the suprise of most, it would only have a few pictures of the boys and girls from my favorite genre of music, and it would have included this one.

pardon me, im still spacey as hell from the thundering pains that i experienced yesterday in my quest for pearly whites. im still slightly traumatised. so freaked that i wasnt able to put up a reasonable tribute to either of my two musical heroes Elvis Costello or Paul Westerberg.

if i had all the time in the world i would have had a great little photo essay on Westerberg today ending with this tidbit of info for all of you who reside in and around the city of angels: The former Replacements frontman will be playing tonight for free at 7pm at Ameoba Records in Hollywood.

Which should give us all enough time to run back to our homes and watch the Lakers dominate.

By the way, regardless of who ends up running Richard Riordan's paper, they should definately call it The Daily Dick. They could have Dick of the Day, they could have Dick of the Week, Dick of the Month.

Very much in the spirit of Hustler's "Asshole of the Month," so i've been told.

My nomination for today's Dick of the Day: the bitch ass morons who commute on my beloved Metro who, while riding the escalator, do not follow the only rule of escalating-- pass on the left, ride on the right. TELL ME NO ONE EVER TAUGHT YOU THAT!


Previously on busblog...