tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Wednesday, May 22, 2002  
i really cant believe ive read 21 of these, but i guess thats what you get being an English major for 7 years in two of the finest public institutions in california.

but my question you list-making fools is where's Bukowski? you should have Post Office, Notes of a Dirty Old Man, and Women on that list of yours and from now on i will completely ignore any list like this that does not include my man.

Dawn has a poll where they decide who's the sexiest male blogger. about a year ago ashley asked me for a sexy picture of myself and i took this one and she said you can be sexy and smile and i said, maybe you can but i think i look more pissed off than sexy.

moving on...

the bones in washington dc are those of missing intern Chandra Levy.

jenna bush writes me emails almost every day, i dont respond or print them because i pretty much hate young republicans, especially drunk ones.

time is running out to see the anna kournikova gallery photo essay exploitation thingie that close to 20,000 of you have come to this URL to get a look at. any of you who are not regular readers to this page, who came here after a search result led you here, if you have $2, i'd appreciate it if you ponied up. unlike butterflies, bandwidth isnt free and im giving you way more on those 35 pages than penthouse gave you in their mag and im not asking even close to the $9 that the Guch got off most of us. and all the money goes to charity: the fellow behind the drapes who hosts these zeroes and ones.

alien ant farm got in a bus accident that killed the driver and injured the band in Spain.

and sara is mad at me 'cause i repeated a Whalenism that may have struck a nerve since even this enlightened group cannot count on two hands great women writers who arent or werent crazy. file this in the I Like To Be Wrong, So Prove Me Wrong department, friends.

Previously on busblog...