tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Friday, August 23, 2002  
meesh emailed me some self portraits to cheer me up, she says shes having a good hair day. i dont think that girl has ever had a bad hair day in her life.

women have the strangest ideas about things. i will never understand why it is that they make themsleves up so that other women will approve. i will never understand this whole obsession over weight. or the Golden Girls.

but maybe i will one day, and im sure that if i do i can credit it to the likes of my pals kitty and sk smith (pictured) who were kind enough to post a super long chat they had the other day where they go through a laundry list of topics that starts with a dead hamster and concludes with sarah being called a "flatassed white girl."

i have had the pleasure of taking in the passing glance at both of these young ladie's posteriors-- it was a glance, dan, i swear-- and of the two, kitty has no grounds to call any other white girl flatassed, she is one of the skinniest girls around.

anyway, the only thing better than two old chums sharing their insights, is two super cool super smart very attractive young women being silly making up words and talking about underwear shopping.

back to meesh, our friends at pantrogsblog on monday posted a very nice unreleased picture of the reigning Miss Oxnard on an incredibly good hair day

now that the carpal is healing i might actually get to doing a review of links that i missed during the week and posting them on the weekends.

yeah, just what i need, more shit to do on saturday.

Previously on busblog...