tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Saturday, February 22, 2003  
this week was very tough on me and i was quite self-absorbed.

so much so i didnt mention that there will be another Blogger panel discussion here in Hollywood. this one is tonight! Saturday night.

the american cinema foundation seems to be hosting this shin-dig. it's free, it's hosted by LA's own Cathy Seipp and stars America's newest newspapermen, Ken Layne and Matt Welch, UCLA law professor and incredible pizza maker Eugene Volokh, Mickey Kaus who gets paid to blog, Luke Ford who swears he isnt interested in porn any more, my bro from Forbes RiShawn Biddle, Heather Havrilesky who hopefully will put a cam on her page, and the sexiest import from france since the Emmanuelle series of fine films Emmanuelle Richard.

very little can convince me to leave my house on a saturday night, but this might.

oh look it's free.

and theres drinking afterwards.

if i can score a hot date perhaps i will make it after all.


Previously on busblog...