tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Wednesday, April 02, 2003  
lot of people are sick at the agency which is scary cuz of that asian disease.

the killer flu one.

this one guy sneezed today and i said SARS which is funny, but wrong.

we were talking about geraldo rivera and some guy walking by real fast, total hurry, had plenty of time to chime in with a juicy ass fuck geraldo.

this dude was wearing a turtleneck.

super hot chick from where i used to work makes tshirts now, and how sweet would it be to bust with the fuck geraldo tshirt when youre walking to the liquor store.

fuck bush, fuck the yankees, fuck terrorists, fuck sluts, fuck bud selig, fuck ticketmaster, fuck your hanging chads, fuck blood for oil, fuck the busblog.

it could be a whole line.

black shirts, white letters. easy.

nothing in here is true, right?

yeah, i buy cds all the time.

i think sixteen ninety nine for a cd is a reasonable price.

the white stripes came out with a new cd yesterday. one that they claim to have made for $15,000, which is a ridiculously low price. maybe even impossible.

since the first thousand people who buy the cd pay it off, i wanted to be part of that.

the last cd i actually bought was norah jones for my mom at Christmas.

tom waits was playing on the cd player of this record store.

there was a sealed Eazy Duz It above the register. vinyl. vinyl all over the place.

fuck vinyl

just kidding. i saw an ac/dc flat above the window and i pointed to it and asked for one, he went into the back, got one and charged me two bucks.

no problem. you know how hard it must be to be an independent record store these days?

picked up vice magazine. free. now i dont feel bad about the twenty bucks im spending. buying records is like a vote, anyhow. i elect the white stripes. i elect weezer. i elect tsar.

i did something so incredibly stupid today and so then i bought an overpriced cd, and then paid money for something promotional.

rode the bus to the subway

these four black kids were being loud and teenaged and quasi gangsta and brushed up against my magazine more than a few times to see what id do.

im undercover motherfuckers

train came after a long time, saw a total loser guy with the hottest chick ive ever seen on the subway. latino, arms crossed, long jeans, heels poking out the boot cut, bitchiest eyes, and bro was all up close to her and she would just look past him, and up.

forgot about my boys till i got to sunset and on the elevator.

me, two of em, chinese lady. a group of other people were about twenty feet away and if i was the lady i woulda kept the door open so the numbers would be more in her favor, but she let the doors shut and we rode up from below slowly.

big guy says u-g-k underground killaz, he was looking at the graffiti on the ceiling of the elevator.

his buddy scanned the ceiling and nodded

they discussed how that crew lost their influence in a suprising defeat not too long ago, and the big one took out his pick and slid it through the back of his afro

and i keyed in on his adams apple

just in case i needed a target

bettie girl + reverse cowgirl + cleve blog

Previously on busblog...