tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Tuesday, September 23, 2003  
this weekend found me constantly surrounded by lovely ladies not only did i have a pleasant time with my sister, my mom, and my little niece kyla, but i got to sit next to the hottest babe on the plane who just happened to have a seat next to me in first class which made the cross country trip speed by.

got picked up by the beautiful jeanine natale who drove me home and took me grocery shopping. i heated up a hungry man dinner, put my feet up and passed out.

now im back at the xbi and things are crazy.

i dont know how they could be less crazy.

but i am still writing you because i love you.

i appreciate all the constructive criticsm that you all left for me in yesterdays comments section and also in the emails that you sent me. its all very confusing, as i predicted. half of you are saying dont change a thing, the other half are saying to change everything.

half are saying no xbi, half are saying mo xbi.

half are saying no more politics because it makes you feel so very dirty and ignorant for sticking with our president, the other half are saying please tony please there are no other strong liberal voices out there in the blogosphere please write more about the president and his ridiculous rule since nobody else has the nads to call an idiot an idiot.

so i dont know what to do. because most of this is for me, but most of it is for you. if i just wanted to write whatever then why make it public. so i do want to please you, the reader. i do want to give you what you so need. i do want to fill in the gaping holes left by the left and how they are writing about this fascinating period in politics, sports, and life in the fast lane.

all i know is i want to write. something. anyting. to you. or maybe to those who havent even read this yet.

all i know is i want to write less about my life and more about other peoples lives but it doesnt look like i will have that chance this calendar year unless something unexpected and wonderful happens, which is possible. wonderful things seem to follow me around.

speaking of which, kristina, my row 5 buddy, if you did remember my name and found this, it was really fun talking to you for 4 hours as we drank red wine and bitched about the hollywood machine. if you made it here, this is a blog. this is what all writers should have, in my opinion.

and to google, thank you. the nice girl kept repeating my name so she could remember it so she could type it into her url box, and finally i said, just type "tony" into Google and i should be the second or third return. so thank you google, youve made my life so much easier.

she asked me why my blog was so popular and i didnt know what to tell her. she asked me if i had pictures up and i said lots, and she asked me if there were any nudes and i said, no, to which she said good, but then she said, so why do people come to your page, and i said i didnt know.

she asked me how people learned about my page and i said word of mouth. and she said by what? she works in the entertainment industry filled will multi million dollar marketing campaigns where word of mouth doesnt really exist.

she asked me how i got my name so high in the google search deal and again i said i dont know.

so maybe one day these answers will be revealed but until then i have 250 emails in my inbox which means i probably wont update again until tonight, so enjoy this little picture of me and my niece and my new hat and my new tshirt.

its good to be home, its nice to write to all of you today but theres crime out there to fight and chopper one has missed me.

azarok + gorillamask + orby

Previously on busblog...