tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Sunday, February 06, 2005  
it's been nearly eight months since i wrote the post "how to blog", and thanks to many factors including the nomination for a bloggie, people are still commenting on it



though i disagree with your opines a lot, i still love and envy your blogging skills.
joe | 06.16.04 - 10:46 pm | #


tony tony tony,

you have made me make the switch to blogger.

your blog rocks man.

Sam Shapiro 06.16.04 - 11:01 pm | #


forever loving you, in that blog sort of way
sacha | 06.16.04 - 11:36 pm | #


every day, huh...twice...
charles faris | 06.17.04 - 12:42 am | #


Thank you, Tony Pierce.
mrzoink | 06.17.04 - 2:46 am | #


so is tony pierce your real name?
kevin | 06.17.04 - 3:22 am | #


i still love you tony.

i'm back.
tina | 06.17.04 - 3:57 am | #


OK, I copied that shit and stuck it right there next to my monitor. We agree on that Raymi thing. If I wasn't so bald and flat chested I probably would ripoff/mimic her. I'll just have to settle for being inspired. k
Kevin | 06.17.04 - 6:38 am | #


dear oz,

but i like to write about what i'm listening to at that very moment sometimes. it reflects my mood, my inspiration; it gives you a window into my ears, and a key to my heart. though right now i'm not listening to anything which means i just woke up and haven't thought about clicking over to to hear whats pumping. but see that should show you how special your blog is to me that one the very first things i did this morning was click right over to it to see what's new. and if ever you want to share with the blogiverse what's playing on your stereo/ computer, i'd think that was cool.

missie | 06.17.04 - 7:06 am | #


loving it...

too late about the name and letting family know, though.

question: how do you get people to start reading your stuff?

(pleeeeeease donĀ“t say "build it and they will come"!!!)

andy | 06.17.04 - 7:37 am | #


Rule #14 is so absolutely fucking true. I have a list of sites that need to be nuked over it. Heh.
Casey | 06.17.04 - 7:56 am | #


I think I am a little obsessed with Raymi. Once again you have inspired the shit out of me Tony. I promise to post some pictures very soon.
The Deputy | 06.17.04 - 8:02 am | #


Excellent advice. There are three I think I should be doing, including one for lack of balls.

And, the first four lines of #20 are pure truth. They clicked in my head after reading the busblog only a couple times a long time ago.
BH | 06.17.04 - 8:23 am | #


Tony, I love your list but I think you are partly wrong on #14. I love it when people tell me what they are listening to so I can see what the deal is. Word of mouth on new bands. Like Tsar for instance.
kat | 06.17.04 - 9:34 am | #


i'll accept posts about new bands, or mentions of bands, but

wearing: a&f wifebeater
listening to: incubus "evenflow"

is unnecessary in my opinion
tony | 06.17.04 - 10:00 am | #


Thanks for the advice.

All goodness. I'm off to blog.
J-Mo | 06.17.04 - 10:03 am | #


yes sir
Bunnie | 06.17.04 - 10:15 am | #


Thanks for writing this, Tony. There are so many immature people out there who need to know what a post should look like, and how to write. Blogging is so much about learning to express yourself better, every day. Thanks for the great instructions (and the kick to get us started).
Marisa | 06.17.04 - 10:54 am | #


i violated rule #29 a few days ago.

i noticed you didn't mention LiveJournal.

I'm curious what you think of those persons. Should anyone ever pay to blog?

(no no no no no...)
katzinjammer | 06.17.04 - 11:07 am | #


LJ is for high school girls

freshman year.
tony | 06.17.04 - 11:21 am | #



i now love you.
katzinjammer | 06.17.04 - 11:22 am | #


tony, i've been trying like hell for a week to get raymi in a box to send down to you. So far i've been in the hospital twice and i think i'm pregnant too.

I know i promised raymi but..

i think its easier to come get you and bring you to raymi.

if you see a very large bald guy trying to sneak up behind you, please don't run. Raymi broke my leg.

ruzz | 06.17.04 - 11:22 am | #


wearing: a&f wifebeater

*snort* bwahahaha
kat | 06.17.04 - 11:38 am | #


When is UCLA going to start offering a course on blogging and when are you going to start teaching it? Stranger things have happened...
David | 06.17.04 - 11:58 am | #


Excellent Advice.
Steph | 06.17.04 - 12:20 pm | #


What David said.
tina | 06.17.04 - 1:58 pm | #


The main way to get traffic to a new log is to comment, comment, comment.

Bottom line.
Ric | 06.17.04 - 2:01 pm | #


Why are you so wonderful it makes me want to laugh and cry all at the same time ~
Sylkk | 06.17.04 - 2:08 pm | #


heh..another Raymi fan. Cubs a sweep tonight?
Abrasivist | 06.17.04 - 2:19 pm | #


wonderful. as usual. i miss you. xoxo
missmontreal | 06.17.04 - 2:23 pm | #



thats a good point. commenting is a very good thing to do to get people to know that you are alive and have a blog.

miss montreal,

regardless what you read on here, i miss you too.
tony | 06.17.04 - 2:48 pm | #


the only thing i would quibble with is rule # 9

get your own goddamn sites you cheap bastards
pb dot c | 06.17.04 - 3:43 pm | #


kat ill fuck u up
raymi | 06.17.04 - 3:48 pm | #


katzinjammer | 06.17.04 - 3:49 pm | #


I know you are not all about it, but you could sell this post to magazines and such. Its great. I've read it like 10 times so far.
Steph | 06.17.04 - 4:06 pm | #


im pretty sure the mags would edit out the cuss words, which is why mags are only good for the pictures.
tony | 06.17.04 - 4:20 pm | #


Blogs = Rock-n-Roll
by Tony F'in Pierce

LJ is for pussies.
Mmmm, pussies.
Chork | 06.17.04 - 5:42 pm | #


i wonder if tony ever gets tired of people kissing his ass in his comment box
franny | 06.17.04 - 6:22 pm | #


tony | 06.17.04 - 6:43 pm | #


Thank you Toni! Writing evey day I think is perfect for #1. You'll either get better or think it sucks and stop.

Don't stop man, you rock!
Robin | 06.17.04 - 7:35 pm | #


having people disagree with you and writing to prove them wrong makes for good material.

i'm glad people disagree with tony. and i'm glad tony writes for us. twice a day sometimes.
Chad | 06.17.04 - 9:51 pm | #


franny, you ever think that maybe people say nice things because they're thinking nice things?

Last link to him on my blog referred to him "spitting on graves" as I put it.

He's a killer writer though and about the only person I can think of who can write a post like this without sounding stupid. It made me want to write, not just blogging but any kind of writing.

But, doubt the truth if you feel like it. It's never the truth who looks stupid.
BH | 06.17.04 - 10:09 pm | #


own my asswipeness... own my asswipeness... woohoo!
hooizz | 06.17.04 - 10:46 pm | #


god | 06.18.04 - 1:21 am | #


I think you need to add one:

"Don't post lyrics without comment. People don't know the tune and don't care to read lyrics on your blog that they can look up elsewhere."
Ric | 06.18.04 - 7:02 am | #


i was just wonderin'. no offense intended. i wonder the same thing about all the blogs that get lots of comments. i know people disagree here too.
franny | 06.18.04 - 7:20 am | #


Oh, great. Just what we need.

Bullet-point inspiration for another generation of insipid hair blogs. "I fucking hate my hair. My dog barfed today. I love Sonic Youth, but only the stuff up to Daydream Nation, the rest is shit except for that new one. I think these new shoes are so bitchin." Yawn.

OTOH, Tony, you put it eloquently, succinctly, and entertainingly - it's instruction and inspiration enough for anyone doing it now to do it better, and for anyone still not on the vast blog barge steaming down the river of clues and keystrokes to climb the fuck aboard. Thank you.

Oh, and you're linked now at

mack | 06.18.04 - 9:24 am | #


anyone who disprespects Goo is a fool
tony | 06.18.04 - 11:00 am | #


my socks have just been rocked heartily
robby k | 06.18.04 - 12:30 pm | #


this is awesome. great advice to those starting out, and a great reminder to those of us who have been doing it for a little while now.

i need to follow rule #18 more often. half the time i forget, and that's always when i've just written something i really dig.

anyway. good job.
lorie | 06.18.04 - 1:23 pm | #


Yo, Goo sucked. No disrespect, yo.
mack | 06.18.04 - 3:33 pm | #


kool thing?
dirty boots?

some say that record was the best of the grunge years.

i wouldnt go that far but i'd say kool thing was their best single.
tony | 06.18.04 - 4:32 pm | #


Just a bit THANK YOU!!!!
JustAgirl | 06.19.04 - 3:10 am | #


true true true

especially number 25.
nongirlfriend | 06.19.04 - 8:45 am | #


Great advice! I should have read this months ago!!
Greg | 06.19.04 - 9:04 am | #


31. don't use capital letters. this complete disregard for the shift key will reveal to the world your true rebellious nature.
32. tell people what to do as often as possible, as they are probably unable to think for themselves...this is especially applicable if most of your readers are girls between the ages of 15 and 21.
33. if you have no original thoughts, nudity is an acceptable substitute. the internet needs more jerk off fodder- that especially applies to readers finding themselves on number 60-something of a comment sheet.
34. all blogging software besides blogger is evil- especially livejournal. content is no longer the most important aspect of a good blog, it must first be powered by the software of my choice.
35. when your comment is this far down a list, you should copy and paste it into your blog. that way you will look as self-riteous as possible to as many people as possible.
36. monkeys really draw a crowd. get a monkey to write your blog if possible.
37. a three-day drug binge is sometimes the only way (assuming you channel burroughs) to arrive, via stream-of-conciousness, on the correct tangent.
38. logic is the enemy. no, wait, livejournal is the enemy. ok, the enemy list is still 1. livejournal 2. logic 3. clothing.
39. 4. the shift key.
40. all good lists end at 40, even if you have to tack on nonsensical jibberjabber to make it so.
dehumidifier | 06.19.04 - 12:54 pm | #


I'm gonna post more poems now.

In your secret punkrock heart I think you want it that way.
dc | 06.19.04 - 7:51 pm | #


there are already so many ridiculous "how to blog" lists out there, I wasn't expecting much. But as I started to read your list I realized that this was no ordinary list. By the middle, I was captivated. By the end I had fallen in love with you, you creative-genius i love you.
Michelle | 06.19.04 - 8:19 pm | #


I liked this one alot. I found you via Kitty, and then Lorie. I am a diaryland whore. I don't exacly know how I feel about haveing a "diary" vs a blog. Spider.
Gumphood | 06.21.04 - 6:04 am | #


don't blog about politics. keep it strictly sex and religion. if you have to blog about politics, please don't blog about whatever was on CNN that day. or the presidential race. unless it relates to sex and/or religion.

i thought we'd get more people self promoting on this comment thread. cuz what the world need's now is a little more self promotion.

read my blog. my blog is the best. no capitalization, lots of stuff on religion, pictures, and i freely rip off tony's style when i think i can make it work. if can't, i don't. if you can't, you shouldn't.

also, please don't blog about your boring day job and how much you hate it.
krawdaddee | 06.21.04 - 1:06 pm | #


I'm a comment wanna be. And I'm totally stealing this, (with appropriate credits, of course.)
Tom | 06.26.04 - 10:49 am | #


All true!!
Awesome post and yes, I'm linking directly to this. The world has to know!!
Esther | 06.28.04 - 3:09 am | #


Perfect. I'm beginning to feel like I've found my blogging pace and this post brightens the path ahead.
Ryan | 07.02.04 - 12:40 pm | #


Hello, Toni.

Thanks for writing this. I post an adaptation to spanish...
Miguel | 08.03.04 - 11:32 am | #


Hey tony,

Great stuff up there! I;m gonna link, link, link and link some more from now on!


tim | 08.26.04 - 3:09 am | #


Haha, to think mine is completely and solely a poetry blog! All your
precepts are so worth not following.
Gob | 09.08.04 - 10:19 am | #


so, so true...
Harmony | 09.23.04 - 4:43 pm | #


One thing about writing about sex....gave me a great adrenaline buzz. I wasn't sure I was really writing about sex, though. Thanks a lot, anyways.
Blade | 10.03.04 - 6:22 am | #


thanks for your ideas. I agree with most. I'm just learning to blog, and your thoughts will help.
Rod | 10.20.04 - 7:42 pm | #


LOVE IT. I saw not one, but TWO links to you today that said you were one of the all stars...

It's about time I embrace my asswipeiness!


From one asswipe to another!

annette | 11.12.04 - 9:55 pm | #


Great post. Right on the money across the board.

Except for one thing.

Raymi? I checked it out. Self-indulgent crap, top to bottom.

Sorry if you are secretly she, or if you know her or whatever. But, hey. Truth's Truth, and there ain't no dodging it no how no way.

mr strauss | 11.15.04 - 9:26 pm | #


Wow. You make it sound so easy. Cheers. Tim
Tim Campbell | 12.06.04 - 1:17 pm | #


Is this a living blog? If writer is still maintaining it, please get back to me. I want to ask certian things. Thanks.
Shirazi | 12.27.04 - 11:07 pm | #


I think you should keep a link to this on your front page for ETERINITY.

I still find myself checking it periodically to remind myself of what I shoudl be doing, not of what I am doing.
BigDubb | 01.04.05 - 12:45 pm | #


Thanks for the inspiration and very nice tips
anom | 01.06.05 - 1:04 pm | #


Thanks for this. I needed it. Are you still there?
Shi | 01.08.05 - 8:52 am | #


I love your blog. And your article and book have inspired me (like so many others, apparently) to clog the www with yet another blog. Hopefully a few of them will be mildly entertaining. Thanks for the advice and for pouring out... well... for pouring out whatever it is you pour out in the busblog.
reverse_vampyr | 01.08.05 - 9:23 am | #


"nobody gives a rat ass what song youre listening to."

so, why do you tell us about the book you're reading?
xieta | Email | Homepage | 01.28.05 - 2:50 am | #


Fanfuckingtastic post, lots I agree with lots I don't!
Silver Sheepz | 01.28.05 - 11:40 am | #


Hail my unseen blogging Guru!
I don't see the point about poems, though.
Neil Padayatty | 01.28.05 - 11:42 pm | #


I just came here from the bloggies. That was just fucking awesome. Exactly what needed to be said.
Jeremy | 01.29.05 - 11:35 am | #


Excellent, helpful advice. Thanks!
Jenny | 01.29.05 - 12:09 pm | #


I appreciate the straight up writing. I'm new to blogging and this html business and posts like your own are a great help (plus a bloody good read).
Greg | 01.29.05 - 2:11 pm | #


Great Stuff. Thanks and good luck in the 2005 Blogs
ridlydidly | 01.30.05 - 4:14 pm | #


Thanks for those tips - very useful. Beautiful lies and public dreams huh - I like!
Molly Penfold | 01.31.05 - 9:34 am | #


My blog has improved significantly because of this entry. I now write everyday and people have said that my style has become much more interesting and well written. Whenever I feel like I am going to be writing about some lame mundane details or have nothing to write about, I go to this entry for ideas and look at your other posts for examples. Thank you
Infiorno | 02.01.05 - 6:43 pm | #


thank you and youre welcome.

why do i tell people what book im reading instead of what song im listening to? because i think people should read more books and talk about them.

we're doing fine with music.
tony | 02.01.05 - 8:42 pm | #


Thank for this awesome entry It has inspired me to blog myself.
Alex | 02.02.05 - 1:47 pm | #


I have broken the rules about no poetry and no real name
But your post was hillarious!
Tanushree | 02.02.05 - 8:28 pm | #


love the rules...even though i've broken a few. but rules are made to be broken, right? great list. thanks for sharing.
Jana | 02.03.05 - 7:33 am | #


Tony -- your rules (most of them) could be rules for writing anything ... for being a writer. Awesome rules and a timely, knock-upside-the-head reminder for me. Thanks.

ps. my website is a WIP -- I'm four weeks into a beginners webdesign class. So no judgements, please...

pps. Good luck with the bloggies (think that's how I ended up here)
Jane | 02.06.05 - 11:07 am | #


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