tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Thursday, December 21, 2006  
i dont know how many of you use Digg, but you should. not only does it keep you in touch with what the cool kids are doing, but its wildly entertaining.

people have been emailing me this week asking what they could get me for Christmas, and to be honest I have pretty much everything that i need.

i have good health, a good job, reasonable rent, a reliable car, great friends, and a chicago cubs team that i will definitely need a scorecard to identify but thats ok!

if there is something that you would like to do for me this Christmas, you can actually do it today and it doesnt cost anything and you can do it in a matter of minutes.

LAist is pretty close to reaching a milestone. because im ridiculously superstitious i cant tell you what the milestone is until we pass it. sorta like how (good) baseball announcers dont tell the listeners when theres a perfect game being thrown.

but if things work out well, a story one of our new guys, Bachelor Bob, might have what it takes to draw some attention over at Digg.

here take a look.

It's the simple tale of how to Wrap a Present Like a Man.

nothing fancy, nothing outrageous or controversial, simply a how-to thats timely and hopefully will get a little chuckle out of a few of you.

So what i ask is that you click that link above and if you have Digg, digg it, and if you dont have Digg, sign up, its free they wont spam you and it takes about 15 seconds to sign up, and then digg that post.

hell, you can even tell some friends if you want.

ok its 544am, ive been working all night. and now its time for this little piggy to go to sleep.

nite babies

ps i hate it when howard stern is on vacation

Previously on busblog...