tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Wednesday, February 14, 2007  
i know it sounds ridiculous but LAist may have been the first publication to post that Howard Stern got engaged.

With quotes.

And now links.

The truth of the matter is I date some very popular young ladies, and tomorrow one of them was inclined to be with someone who thinks that shes his girlfriend. So she was at my house tonight.

Around 3am we finish celebrating her sexiness, and she pulled her boots back on and i kissed her good night and she sped off in her little car that goes beep beep beep and i turned on the sirius satelite radio and howard was saying that he proposed last night to long time girlfriend Beth O.

and because i was in the perfect state of mind, particularily after having had a dinner earlier in the evening with yesterdays birthday girl jeanine, i was able to write not only the first post about Howards engagement

but some might say the best.

anyways, there it be. i will now shower, brush my teeth, and go to sleep. its 501am, beep.

Previously on busblog...