tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Thursday, April 05, 2007  
anyone who knew stacey teas in college wouldnt be surprised that one day she might end up on the cover of a magazine looking unbelievably glamorous in a very natural way.

you dont have dreams as good as stacy. longest legs, long blonde hair, and eyes you dont dare to even consider. once she came over to my house in the throws of something, eating a fruit and tearing apart each delicious tendril, you should have some of this, she said.

everything was a beautiful play.

stacy was in creative studies and her poems were beautiful and romantic and a little dirty. even though id say about half of the kids had no magic, stacy and a few others did, and her short stories were great and her diaries were a challenge to the others in the class in who could be the most revealing.

i think i tied for second.

since college stacey has gotten married and begun to raise an adorable little daughter. after she had a scare with cancer(!), mother and daughter saw a boat for sale. soon they were fixing up this boat. and then they were sailing around the world.

the web site explaining the trip is totally amazing. especially to see things as the little girl writes them down.

stacey was and illustrator for the nexus when we were all there. she dated mr whalen from tsar in one of the most torrid rock affairs isla vista saw. and in those days thats saying something as that quaint little town saw its fair share of drama.

stacey wrote me last year right as i was starting my gig at LAist and can you believe it i didnt write her back until tonight. so when i went to see if her web site had been updated it was very nice to see this magazine cover with her on it.

Previously on busblog...