tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Friday, May 18, 2007  
people accuse me of writing stream of consciously i find that insulting. just because it appears smooth to you doesnt mean it came out that way. just because we made it way out west doesnt mean the path was straight and narrow.

heres an example of me being streamofconcious. i havent pooped as well as when i wasnt eating fast food. please dont let that be her. please dont let her whew. mayor antonio villaragosa shoulda changed his name to something thats easier to spell. instead it just smells.


not good. not funny. not me.

my truest caught me on the chat today and i had been thinking of her all week. not that thats surprising, but still.

and i dont know if - wow this is making me emotional to say it - but i dont know if the xbi truly snipped the part of self preservation or giving a shit about life or death out of me, or if i was born that way aka casually suicidal

or what i call, truly a child of God

since the bible pretty much says that earth was a glorified lost weekend, a six day experiment in seeing what He could do on the side

and that we really shouldnt pay too much attentions to flesh or money or things of the earth but should be focused on our treasure in heaven etc

some are all, heaven is next? fine. then so what if i die. in my mind thats a different brand of Christian than i see running for president, and if you ask me thats my kind of people which is why im always attracted to the xbi since its overflowing with the truest of believers - those who give out money like its paper and kisses like theyre everything.

someone once said that love is like a really good fastball

it doesnt fly straight, it shimmies a little

or rises up when its supposed to follow the rules of gravity and dive a tad

a moving fastball just cannot get hit, even due to luck.

likewise true love cannot be stopped.

and chris and i have that.

sorry, paris.

parade ridiculously hot girls thru this piece day and night, so hot that all i can do is look at the threads of their jeans as they stradle me, and i will say fuck even those threads are sexy

and still nothing is like the connection ive got with this girl who chose fat white republicans over me.

your boy. king of the world. typer at 420am. defender of good.

she said what are you reading i said this 700 pg book about nirvana what are you reading and she said that huge collection of anais nin you gave me and i said whoah that cleared customs?

she said yes she said it made me want to read laist because i have a deeper understanding for writers now and i said where are the pictures and she said what pictures and i said the topless pictures

and she said there arent that many women nursing in this part of uganda which had an ominious tone even via google chat and i said not pix of crazy african women with bones thru their bones i meant of crazy white girls who flew to africa for two and a half years surely there must be a few of those in that digital camera to console a cubfan who got to watch a weekday afternoon cubs game on tv only to see his team blow a 5-1 lead going into the bottom of the ninth

she said nope

i said come back to me

and she said oh tony

and there was a pause and then her little circle turned orange and after a few minutes it turned to green again and she said sorry someone came by and i had to sell some chickens

xTx + alecia + raymi + fil + pitt

Previously on busblog...