tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Wednesday, June 06, 2007  
today is also my first california gf's bday. i dont care if no one thinks she looks like the chick in arcade fire. i think she does.

when i first moved to LA there were quite a few things i wanted to do. i wanted to surf, i wanted to skateboard, and i wanted to date punk rock chicks.

michele was so punk rock she actually frightened me when i first met her. all of her clothes were torn, her lipstick was bright red and messy, her hair was knotted, the madonna one shoulder layered look was happening so she had that going. later her friend would try to diss her by calling it The Just Raped Look, but it was so accurate it was actually funny.

even though she was only a few months older than me, she knew everything and i knew nothing. the only things we were equals about were foreign films, so we went to a lot of those and held hands and talked about the movies all night in my cadillac.

id put my hand on her leg and shed say why is everything always about sex

and id say smart girls turn me on

and shed say you mean smart Women

and id say yeah whatever

and shed say no, not whatever, women have been oppressed for two long by men who

and id say baby im black dont tell me about oppression

and shed say its exactly those who have been oppressed who should be the first to rectify their errors

now if you think i had moved my hand off her leg then youve obviously never argued with me while on a date with me

after a long night of watching gerard depardu work his magic

three years we dated before we ever consummated the love we had.

thats how good she kissed.

Previously on busblog...