tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Wednesday, November 07, 2007  
and now for question time with tony

tonights question comes from dan from canada.
The way I see it, there are two types of people who have been supporting Ron Paul in the way you have (though I'm starting to wonder if I'm being a bit naive in this assumption)... There are those SERIOUS conservatives who follow a strict conservative ideology (the one Mr. Paul has been talking largely about in his interviews), and those who are completed fed up (and reasonably so) with the current state of politics in the US and are looking for something completely different and new (because what makes Ron Paul different and well...unique, is that he totally cuts through all the bullshit and spin and gets directly to the truth about pretty much every issue he speaks to).

You don't strike me as a strict conservative :)

And I tend to identify the people who are completely fed up with the current political system mostly as intelligent, forward-thinking individuals... people who I think have a lot of very important things to say and valuable opinions to share.

So, Tony... assuming you are part of the ladder group, I am very interested to hear your thoughts on a variety of subjects!
thank you dan for the good question.

im not particularly sure im a strict anything. because im old i voted for the first bush and reagan. but because im black i voted for the first clinton twice and then nader and then kerry cuz he was a war hero.

i dont think people should belong to political parties. i think they should make politicians sweat. i think we should hide our beliefs at all costs, particularly during polls.

everyones all gung ho about being green, and about giving a fuck about the enviornment, and people are talking about ron paul and the other day he got over $4 million in just one day. but if being green is what its all about then how come noone from the Green party has made it to the top of the pops?

their only platform should be "bout fucking time - ive been saying this shit for years".

but for some reason we want to believe that hilary clinton is going to give enough of a fuck. because why? because shes not a republican?


so ron paul is a republican, yes. but just like how we are hoping that hilary will be a tad bit more radical of a dem than shes pretending to be, ron paul is actually living up to the way republicans officially are supposed to be about - less government, less taxes, less programs, more traditional ideas, and theres nothing more traditional than obeying what the founders intended in the constitution.

just because neocons have bastardized what it means to be republican doesnt mean that ron paul is insane for wanting to bring it back home. and because the democrats dont want to take the reigns that have been handed to them means that we shouldnt keep handing it to them. clearly theyd rather be fishing.

the other day i was making out with a girl who reminded me a lot of how i imagine just a girl (pictured, top) makes out like. and because im a weirdo when i make out with certain girls all these crazy images flash through my head and the other day i was seeing the olde school 80s video game Berzerk which was an odd zombie game in a maze situation.

as we were kissing i was thinking, maybe the democrats were hit with some weird zombie ray in the video game called Congrezz which is why they keep running into walls and are unable to even walk straight, let alone play the game properly.

if you ask me, those people are supposed to be Our representatives. theyre supposed to embody Our ideals. therefore all this bullshit about dem or repub is stupid to me. they are the man or woman from my locality who i think best echoes my beliefs.

ron paul would not take us into war without a declaration of war, he would remind everyone about the constitution all the time, he would abolish the income tax, hed legalize weed, and hed actually be smart. all things i want my public servant to be about. if power gets shifted to the states, fine. i live in a good state. we have an actor as governor. a bad actor. i cant say hes the best governor but whats interesting about california is our state reps are almost all dems and our governor - ah never mind

ron paul could say he was from the whig party for all i cared. none of that stuff interests me because its all a huge fakeout anyways because for the most part its just insiders trying to get and stay as inside as they can for as long as they can. theyre all sellouts, theyre all fake, and theyre so transparent that when you do get someone who really is keeping it real

they stand out like a ron paul.

tomorrow i drive to las vegas and i have a lot of things to think about which is perfect because sometimes all you wanna do is think in peace and quiet, which is impossible when you have ever tv channel, super high speed interweb, and the opportunity to kiss girls who kiss like how probably JaG kisses

next to a fire

on the first cold night of fall.

Previously on busblog...