tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Sunday, January 06, 2008  
69% of busblog ghostwriters agree with the Fuck You, Frank theory

and by the way, MSNBC's comment moderators went back to letting people leave comments on the "Ron Paul didn't win the ABC News/ Facebook Poll", but the website refused to change the headline that is clearly wrong.

one more bit of fact, in order to vote on that poll you had to be a Facebook member. a feat that isn't easy to do. you need a unique email address, and it has to be verified. Facebook is so strict about who has an account that they recently booted one of the world's most powerful bloggers, former Microsoft honcho, Robert Scoble.

thus the Facebook poll, although flawed, since its a fuckyoufrank poll, is probably more accurate - or less bullshitty - than most of the other fuckyoufranks out there.

also if youre a Facebook user, you might enjoy finding out who, exactly, are the facebookers who approve of congressman paul's message. (66,000+ facebookers support RP, #2 is Huckabee at half that number) you might be surprised that theyre not as young as the MSM paints them out as being (40% - the highest majority are 49 years old or older; #2 biggest group are between 25-34), and in Arkansas, Huckabee still gets more votes. which proves, to me, at least, that there arent any shenanigans going on, outside of MSNBC's troubling reporting.

today the NYT gave Charles Gibson a hard time for being laissez faire in his "moderation" especially when Rudy St. 9/11 et al gave Dr Paul the business when he was trying to state his opinion.

and finally the kids over at Metafilter, have an interesting discussion comparing paul to Lyndon LaRouche - which doesnt end as badly as youd expect. But it does have its moments - for both the pro- and anti-Paulites. which is why i heart the blue.

Previously on busblog...