tony + mary!
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   Tuesday, May 27, 2008  
LAist's recent review of the Adele show at the Roxy gets Roxy owner to write long comment to defend his club, his staff, and even his part of The Strip

Nic Adler is the owner of the Roxy. His father founded the historic club in the early '70s and Nic grew up on the Strip. LAist contributor Simone Snaith is a talented musician and blogger who wrote a negative review of last week's Adele show. The review was glowing in regards to the performance, but critical of the Roxy experience. A little past midnight tonight Nic wrote a long rebuttal to Simone's piece.
I am an avid and vocal supporter of the LAist for over a year now and read it on a daily basis( as well as listing it on our links section of our site as one of our favorites). I'm not one to comment on sites much or to get in a tit for tat with writers/reviewers because I believe their job is to independently write what they see and feel about their experiences wether good or bad. As the owner of The Roxy, I use reviews and comments I read to grow our business and to make a better experience at the club. I have to say, reading this review actually got me upset enough to not keep quiet and to speak my mind. From the first line, it felt that you had something out for the club. To me, it was a biased review. It did not read like someone who had a non-biased opinion of The Roxy.

Over the last 35 years, The Roxy has had its ups and downs. We have gone through times where we have treated our costumers and bands with less respect then they derserved, I can admit this whole heartedly. Over the last 8 years, and more recently and aggressively, over the last two, we have strived to change this everyday and with every show. I can now say that hands down, everyone who works at The Roxy from the door to floor to the sound to the office, all love what we do here and get excited to come to work everyday. We try respect every single person that comes through our door. Saying that, I would like to "discuss", on behalf of everyone who works at the club, point by point, the things said in this review. I will try my best to do this with facts and keep emotion out of it.

"my ticket and that of the girl next to me in line said doors were at 8pm"
You are 100% correct. Doors were at 8p. Load in for this show was at 3p, that gave Adele 5 hours to load in the gear and sound check. This was the first show of her tour, all the equipment was rented from SIR and she used brand new in-ear monitors, straight out of the box. Meaning, The band and Adele needed as much time as possible to get comfortable with the unfamiliar gear. 8p comes around and she is still not happy with her sound. 9p comes around and they were still not ready. Finally its 930p and we were allowed to open doors. The Roxy has NO control over the artist. We buy the show from the agent/manager and we are at the mercy of the act, when they say they are ready, we open. no sooner, no later. This is not something that happens often at the club but sometimes it does. Im not a liberty to say anything about this artist but i will refer to what you said in your review. "...I had to wonder if there were really technical difficulties or if she is just a tad picky.". It was probably a little of both.
Later Nic defends the show starting "late", the $10 drinks, and even the parking. But it was interesting to see him explain the $4.50 bottles of water.
"By the way, a bottle of water at The Roxy is $4.50. Discuss."
I can admit and agree that $4.50 is expensive for water. But at the end of the day this is a business, and we need to make money to make pay the rent and pay the bills, just like any other business. Being an all age venue we have shows where its 90% kids and the bar makes nothing. And sometimes we have adults and kids, that come to the venue and maybe only buy one water or sometimes nothing at all. The artist receives 70% of the ticket and the other 30% goes into hospitality, production, advertising and promotion. This leaves us with the bar to pay for everything else(which is a lot). We survive on our bar sales, thats why we are able to stay open.
In the end Nic invites Simone and... everyone... to talk about ways that he can make the Roxy better, which seems pretty cool to me. my only suggestion would be to try not to make the seating area VIP only. one of the best experiences i ever had was sitting in there in '86 while The Replacements and Thelonious Monster changed my life. im sure not every show they have VIP only over there, but in a place as small as the Roxy how about forgetting the idea of VIP, or maybe only having the special peeps feel special After the show upstairs On the Rox?

Regardless i have seen many cool shows at the Roxy and that adele show sounds like it started off on a bad foot from the get go. but its nice to see the owner explain what happened in a public forum.

Previously on busblog...