tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Thursday, June 26, 2008  
got a phone call that i need to cover some rock tonight

apparently soul asylum, everclear and camper van beethoven (!) are going to play the house of blues tonight to kick off the Sunset Strip music festival.

not a bad way to start, especially since tomorrow B-Real from Cypress Hill and Slash are going to jam together at the Whisky and Juliette Lewis is going to bring her Licks to the strip across the street.

i have always been a fan of street festivals so i sorta thought that they were going to shut down that part of the strip but i guess you cant do that to Sunset since its already pretty crowded and even with Fountain you can't really get around that road block, and what would people do who want to go to the Hustler store?

today has been such a busy day that i havent been able to poke back Krista on facebook let alone gchat with the daisy princess, but i was able to find this funny picture of missc and post it on the blawwwwg.

expect pics of the rock later tonight or tomorrow while i take the skinheads bowling.

Previously on busblog...