tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Tuesday, June 03, 2008  
hey it's Tuesday, which means theres a new ICU on the LAT
this video, though, was a reaction to this one from the lady who wanted to hook up with the dude who she ran over with her car

one thing i dont understand is this "lets have coffee" thing. when did that start? are people too freaked out with dinner n drinks? coffee?

any semi-sexual meetup should have the possibility for what the kids call romance, shouldnt it? how on earth are you supposed to even remotely have a shot of said romance if you drank coffee for an hour? where does coffee lead to? do you even wanna kiss someone who has coffee breath?

i just dont get it.

anyways, do you think the young lady should look him up?

watch all the ICU vids here

Previously on busblog...