tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Tuesday, September 30, 2008  
it's Tuesday, which means new ICUday

tomorrows a big day for me.

first i wake up and assist one of our top writers, Geoff Boucher, as he does an interview and a live chat with Iron Man director Jon Favreau. i believe we're going to Jon's house or office or somewhere and picking his brain about the success of the summer blockbuster (which gets released on DVD today) and he will tell us all he can about the sequel.

And no, i didnt love the film simply because the hero was named Tony and they used AC/DC in the opening scene.

will i have the nerve to tell him he should use the Pixies' "tony's theme" in Iron Man 2? ha!

Anyways to get into the chat tomorrow at 11am PT, click here ( The link wont work till tomorrow.

Previously on busblog...