tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Monday, December 29, 2008  

written and directed by richard linkletter in 1991
total budget: $23,000

linketter of course also wrote and directed dazed and confused (1993), which as great as it was, only grossed $8 million while in theatres.

he also directed the underrated subUrbia in 1996, the classic School of Rock in 2003, the completely underrated remake of the Bad News Bears in 2005 somewhat in part due to the writing team from Bad Santa, and the sobering Fast Food Nation in 2006.

slacker, post punk meets alterna grunge before the hipsters figured out irony, remains as the art school experiment gone good. negativland with visuals.

and somehow its available for free online. legally. (if youre in the US)

this is why they (should) hate us.

h/t rex

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