tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Tuesday, December 23, 2008  
sorry bob, but guess who got suckered into going to da bears game last night?

had an nice little tour of the chicago tribune building, went to a great dinner with three big wigs at your favorite midwestern paper. then afterwards one of the guys said come on, if we jump in a cab now we can catch the second half!

as many of you know, i have no problems getting tickets to sporting or concert events, and i was feeling sorta warm from the beer and baileys and fine dinner. so i said lets do this!

plus it was only 4 degrees below zero.

most people were bundled up beautifully cuz they Knew they were going to the bears game as they took on longtime rivals the Green Bay Ladies, but me i just had a jacket a scarf and a hat. my sneakers had my toes freezing but beer and hot chocolate flowed in Soldier Field so we were good.

this kid however was cold, so his mommy came and picked him up

ps guess who has a new computer!!!

Previously on busblog...