sherman oaks

karisa said, you have a clue.
dont worry about it. and the helicopters flew overhead and we'd hear sirens cuz it was the valley after all. and then two of the guys made an incredibly funny gravity bong and the funniest part about it was we smoked the stupid tobbacco that we had found in the closet. saddest thing is anyone who was watching us across the street would have thought that they were watching this huge debochary, when indeed they werent seeing anything illegal at all.

well, other than the fact
that we had seized an apartment
and turned it into a party pad.

i said wheres your bikini
she said i aint got no bikini
i asked the other one wheres
her bikini she said
this morning there was a girl
here in a thong.
you missed it.
i was all,
youre the only girls
worth lookin at.
and they said aw.
and i said today.
then they threw me
in the pool.

