tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Friday, September 27, 2002  
final archived entry. end of best of tony pierce, june, 2008.

she said, please don't i just ate a garlic shrimp

i said, baby, i'd kiss you if you just had eight garlic shrimps.

she said, but i just smoked a cigarette.

i said, i'd kiss you if you licked an ashtray.

and what if i just barfed, and you just held my hair?

i said, i'd sniff the tire tracks left by the truck of the janitor that had the luck to mop up your freshly spewed Doritos chunks.

and then i'd kiss you.

would you kiss me if i had a canker sore?

i said, i'd kiss your grandmas canker sore youre so hot. the one on her ass.

what if one of my lips fell off?

i said, i'd kiss your one lipped freak face and find the other and kiss that.

what if i fell into a deep coma for thirty years and woke with the worst morning breath imaginable?

i said, it woulda only been that way cuz id a been kissing you for all those years.

you're fucking gross as hell.

and she left me there with my half empty plastic cup of wine.

p.s. miss you tony

Previously on busblog...