tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Friday, April 06, 2007  
the mars volta show was pretty great. we took the subway and walked what seemed like ten blocks. i guess i wouldnta noticed if i wasnt with a girl. the strange part was walking there i liked her and walking back i didnt.

which didnt mean that i wouldnt have protected her any less if anything crossed our path. to the death. to the pain! but i did walk a little bit apart from her.

we stopped off at the subway sandwich place where they have several different kinds of breads.

she said, my friend told me that im a "solid 8". can you believe that?

the girl is stunning, but so is a computer monitor when you first get it out of the box. soon it becomes just a computer monitor.

she said again, can you believe that?

i was all, well, there are no tens.

shocked she said, thats what he said.

and ive gotta deduct a half point for not being the slightest bit lesbianic and a half point for not being into anal. which makes you an 8 before we even really get started.

i took a bite out of my footlong. ive been getting footlongs lately. they still cut it in half for you though.

when i looked up i got the sneaking suspicion that i had offended my date. her mouth was wide open and she hadnt even touched her side salad.

aparantly no one had ever even joked about her being less than a ten, which she was, despite her radical heterosexual leanings. the anal could be worked on.

no baby, youre a ten. have no fear. i just dont think i can date a yankee fan.

and later we split a bowl of soup.

Previously on busblog...