tony + mary!
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Sunday, January 20, 2008  
amy langfield (nee collins) was the best editor i ever had. later she married a dude named martin.

martin works for Reuters in some fancy capacity. he just came out with a book.

today on amy's blog she writes about her hubbys book. it made me laugh.
Did I mention my husband has written a book?

They've sold the rights to more than a dozen languages - though so far it's only in print in Polish, Czech, Italian, Dutch, (British,) and German. And while sales are still doing well in the UK, and iffy in the U.S., it's apparently selling quite well in Germany. But the reviews on the German Amazon are hilarious. They hate hate hate it. Passionately. But they're buying it. Maybe they hate it so much they go buy extra copies to hate it some more?

So far there are 14 reviews of "The Malice Box" on Martin translated a few choice bits for me:

"one star is too many"
"an entirely new dimension of awfulness"
"threw it into the trashcan"

The best review, three stars, says it's "not so bad.
speaking of books, our buddy Welch wrote a scathing tome about Senator McCain. while he was writing it i was all, why bother, that dude doesnt have a chance to be president!

a phrase im very glad to be wrong about because maybe it means welchy will make a fortune selling his book Myth of a Maverick, which sadly now I will have to read.

Previously on busblog...